Monday 21 March 2016


The Center for Interfaith Research (CIR) is a forum dedicated to festering peace between people of different religion through research and education on world Religion. As well CIR is a noncommercial research center designed to serve the needs of students and scholars related to interfaith thoughts. A large database of articles and books on religions like Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and Atheism.

Our Mission

The Center for Interfaith Research was established to promote values of peaceful interfaith coexistence and harmony among faith traditions with the aim of using research, dialogue, and practical initiatives.


  • We envision a plate where the people from all faiths contribute to promotion of Interfaith Peace Harmony.
  • Providing opportunities for dialogues, education and research.
  • Providing moral leadership on mutually agreed-upon issues.


  • Responsible religious freedom
  • Mutual respect and acceptance
  • Interfaith Literacy
  • Communication and Dialogue
  • Interfaith Research